Tokyo Tech News

Middle and high school students create games to learn code

Published: April 9, 2018

Digital Creators Club traP held another successful programming class for middle and high school students on March 17, 2018.

The Tokyo Tech student-run class, aimed at youngsters with no prior programming experience, teaches the basics of code in a group work setting. This year, 32 middle and high school students created a simple game using JavaScript at the offices of Supporterz Inc., a Tokyo-based company.

After some icebreaking activities, participants began writing actual source code under the guidance of their Tokyo Tech mentors. Once the framework of the game had been completed, participants gave suggestions on desired additional functions and discussed how these improvements could be realized. There was a chance to test out the final product at the end of the session, which prompted further discussion regarding how certain functions could be achieved.

Digital Creators Club traP

traP, which recently became an official Tokyo Tech Student Club, began its activities in April 2015. While focusing on game programming, the club also creates digital and audio content, and shares its knowledge through various public engagement activities.

Busy at the Supporterz Inc. office
Busy at the Supporterz Inc. office

Focused on the task at hand
Focused on the task at hand

Programming class participants

Programming class participants


Digital Creators Club traP

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