
Global Exchange in Numbers

Global Exchange in Numbers

Updated on June, 2023

  • International students from 72 countries and regions

    International students from 72 countries and regions

    Tokyo Tech enrolls students from as many as 72 countries and regions throughout the world. About 1,800 students from overseas study at Tokyo Tech each year, with the largest numbers of those students coming from Asia and Europe. (As of May 1, 2022)

    Prospective International Students | Global

  • 2 out of 5 of doctoral students are international

    2 out of 5 of doctoral students are international

    Embracing diversity and collaboration, Tokyo Tech provides world-class education and research while continuously enhancing the campus environment for all its members. International students comprise a comparatively high percentage of those enrolled in Tokyo Tech graduate programs: 20% in master's programs and 41% in doctoral programs. (As of May 1, 2022)

  • More than 50 international exchange programs

    More than 50 types of international exchange programs

    Tokyo Tech has more than 50 types of international exchange programs, including study tours, short- and long-term exchange programs, language study programs, and more. In addition, students have numerous opportunities to participate in international conferences, conduct research internships, and develop collaboration and leadership skills in an international context.

    Tokyo Tech Students Studying Abroad | Global

  • Partnerships with more than 100 universities and institutions

    Partnerships with more than 100 universities and institutions

    Tokyo Tech has institutional-level agreements with 109 universities and research institutions in 30 countries and regions, and school-level agreements with 125 universities and research institutions in 40 countries and regions. (As of May 1, 2023)

    Collaborations with Other Universities | Global

  • Around 40 percent of research papers are internationally coauthored

    Around 40 percent of research papers are internationally coauthored

    Increasing internationalization in research calls for collaboration across borders. Tokyo Tech's active participation in global research has resulted in 5,451 internationally coauthored publications, 40.6% of total papers published (Web of Science, 2016–2020).

  • Five overseas offices

    Six overseas offices

    Tokyo Tech has six overseas offices in Thailand, Germany, the US, the Philippines, China, and Egypt. Of these, the three Tokyo Tech ANNEXes, in Thailand, Germany and the US identify potential seeds for international collaborative research and educational programs, and promote the Institute's pioneering research and education. (As of October 1, 2021)

    Tokyo Tech ANNEXes and Overseas Offices | Global


Public Relations Division, Tokyo Institute of Technology
