TASTE 海外短期語学学習(英語)夏派遣 カリフォルニア大学バークレー校 2019年7月8日~8月16日

生命理工学院 生命理工学系 生命理工学コース


I participated in Berkeley Summer sessions (Session D) of Summer English Language Studies at the University of California, Berkeley. Summer English LanguageStudies was a course for international students who wanted to study English, and the session D program was held for six weeks. Many of the participantswere undergraduatestudents of19-21 years old coming from East Asian countries.


Academic and Public Speaking (twice a week, afternoon)

The purpose of this class was to improve public speaking skills and learn how to make effective presentations. The students had to have presentation and quiz every week and practiced how to discuss and convincein English. We were required to prepare our presentations and review our textbook in our free time. Sometimes this class had fieldworksuch asinterviewswithlocal people and group works.

Science and Engineering English (twice a week, morning)

This class was for learning how to write and understand scientific articles and papers. All students in this class were those studying engineering or science. In this class, I learnedthe format, grammar, and vocabulariesof scientific papers, and how to read and write them. The teacher of this class was so enthusiastic about teaching that this class had a lot ofhomework such as reading and summarizing academicarticles, writinga diary and makingword cards.There were also other activities like fieldworks and presentation.


After the class and on the weekend, I sometimes walked around the campus and went sightseeing at Berkeley and San Francisco. There were a lot of beautiful and interesting places. I enjoyed discovering the scenery of the West Coast towns as well as the American way of lives, which were very different from those of Japan.

Also, I spent time doing many things with my friends when I could finish my homework. Sometimes I went out to local places with them, watched movies in my friends’ room, and played board games with them. I visited a farmer’s market, a free market, a supermarket, and a theater with my friends for their fieldwork. These places were my favorites because I could find local people’s lives there.

While staying in Barkley, I had opportunities to meet some Japanese engineers who were working in the U.S. IT industries through the introduction of my friend. They guided me in their workplaces and talked to me about their careers. It was exciting.


During this stay, I experienced many things and met many people who had different backgrounds and ideas from each other. Even though the differences caused some arguments among them at times, it was exciting for me to meet different people. I came to know that many students I met there were very eager to study English to get an international carrier in the future. Compared with them, my English skills were insufficient to understand others fully and express myself easily. In the conversation with others, I often needed to ask them to repeat what they had said. I also needed some time to think about how to express myself in English. So I keenly realized the needs to improve my English skills. My improved English skills would enable me to experience more exciting things.

I had a lot of homework in these classes, so I often had to stay up late studying. It was very hard, but also an excellent chance to study English seriously. I used the library, watched movies, and used the PC to search for some topic for doing homework and preparing the next classes. The teachers gave us many feedbacks for homework, quiz, and presentations, which were very useful to improve our English. They told us how to study English, as well.

I could make many friends in the dormitory and classes. They are very friendly and kind. We will surely keep in contact with each other after this course. Through the conversation with them, I learned how to tell and talk using my English. Sometimes it was beneficial to use gesture, paraphrasing, and pictures to make me understood. Even though my English was not fluent, I became confident in communicating with various people using English.

During six weeks in Barkley, I saw some Japanese people who were living and working there. They were very eager to study and work. They looked enjoying their work and life in the U.S.

These Japanese engineers and East Asian friends I met in Barkley and San Francisco motivated me to study more English and learn more new things. This study abroad experience changed my mind, and I came to want to study abroad more.







  • 授業関連 46 万円ほど
  • 航空券 14 万円ほど
  • ビザ 4 万円ほど
  • 国際寮 37 万円ほど(一部食事つき)
  • 海外保険 18,550 円
  • 海外 Sim 6 千円ほど
  • 予防接種 2 万円ほど
  • 生活費 17 万円ほど(食費、交通費、入館料、土産など)

なお、JASSO より、奨学金を 16 万円頂いた。



大学内にあるI-houseという国際寮に滞在していました。申込みはsummer programとは別のI-houseのホームページから行いました。申し込みには短い志望理由書も必要で、I-house側から1週間ほどで認可のメールが来てから料金を支払います。こちらの手続きもやや時間がかかるので時間に余裕をもって行うといいと思います。またネットで調べることでI-houseでの生活をイメージすることができました。申し込みの前に一度調べてみると良いと思います。






